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ARTS: 2nd Annual Grammar Film Challenge

Updated: Apr 15, 2021

After the fun and success of Halifax Grammar School's "Stay at home" Film Challenge last year, we decided to do another film challenge this year as a fun way for our students to get creative and have fun over the March Break.

A total of 15 teams signed up for the challenge, making 15 excellent and creative videos for the Grammar Community to enjoy.

Teams were given two prompts that were required for teams to incorporate in their film. The prompts were:

Required Line: “I thought this would be easier.”

You must use the required line of dialogue in your film. It can be heard or seen (written). The line can be slightly reworded as long as it is close.

Required Prop: Writing utensil (pen, pencil, marker, crayon, etc.)

You must use the required prop (or a picture of the prop) in your film in some way.

After the teams submitted their completed films, the community had to vote for the winning films in five different categories: Best Overall, Most Creative, Senior, Staff, Or Alumni, Grades 7-9 and Grades 6 and Under. It was a tough vote to make when Grammar has many talented filmmakers to choose from.

Below are the category winners, congratulations again to the following winners of the 2nd Annual Grammar Film Challenge! Lastly, thank you to Mr. Tim Beers for creating the challenge for our community to get involved and have fun.

Best Overall Film

The Sparrow Case – Isabella Wu

Most Creative Film

Bob the Blob – Haniya Qadeer

Senior, Staff, Alumni Film

FIRST PLACE – The Sparrow Case – Isabella Wu

SECOND PLACE – Mr. Pencil – The Okell Family

Grades 7 – 9 Film

FIRST PLACE – Operation Golden Retriever - Kosta Georgakakos

SECOND PLACE – Mysterious Pen – Liam and Jasmine Bhathena

Grade 6 and Under Film

FIRST PLACE – Be Kind – Stella Murphy

SECOND PLACE – The Sock Monkeys Take Over Grammar – Miguel and Mateo Banks

Click here to watch the 2021 Grammar Film Challenge submissions and click here for the 2020 Grammar Film Challenge submissions.



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