Photo by Tim Beers

Grammar's Senior Boys Basketball Team Captain, David Waller '21, made the news about his hard work that lead the Gryphons to the Capital Region basketball playoffs!
They interviewed the Senior Boys Basketball Coach and Grammar Physical Education Teacher, Mr. Tim McGarrigle, for the story. In the article, Mr. McGarrigle says he knew he had a "special and unshakable player" during David's Grade Ten season.
At this time, the team was at the 2019 Coal Bowl basketball tournament, where David fell sick and couldn't play at first. Despite being sick, David wasn't ready to leave and give up playing the championship game, even after being in bed sick for two days. When his mom called Mr. McGarrigle, saying David is coming home, David called Mr. McGarrigle back and said, "no, I'm not going home, I'm going to play." David got to play the championship game, and the Gryphons won in the end.
David is a valuable team member and leader on the Senior Boys team. While he isn't the player to make every shot, his leadership abilities guide the team to success.