The Annual General Meeting of the members of the Halifax Grammar School will be held in Multi-Purpose Room, 945 Tower Road, on Tuesday, May 21, 2019, at 4:30 p.m. for the purpose of:
1. Electing Governors
2. Report from the Board Chair
3. Financial update and appointment of the auditors for 2019
4. Transacting such other business, as may properly come before the meeting.
Copies of the 2018 Audited Financial Statements will be available for review prior to the meeting at the school reception desk. Other documents pertaining to the Annual General Meeting, including the Agenda, will be posted under Resources in the Prep/Middle/Senior School Downloads on MyHGS in advance of the Annual General Meeting.
In addition to the business portion of the meeting, the Halifax Grammar School Strategic Plan will be released to the community.
If you cannot be present at the meeting, you may wish to complete and return a proxy form. Please note proxy forms must be filed with the School at least 48 hours before the time of the Annual General Meeting.